Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Only you can cancel your Patreon membership (we cannot). Please follow instruction on this page.

The refund will be prorated based on the ratio of membership passed (for memberships) or credit used (for purchased credits).  For example, if the membership is for 30 days and you request a refund after 20 days, you will receive (30 - 20) / 30 = 1/3 of the funds.

You can send an email to [email protected]. If you have an urgent matter, you can also call us at +1 (858) 598-3646 (but please only call us if it is absolutely urgent! Please see membership cancellation answer above)

Apprentice models: 1 credit
Artisan models: 2 paid credits
Master models: 4 paid credits
Policy violations: 1-5 credits per violation

Outline: 1 x model credits
Each Chapter: 1 x model credits (repeated generations cost new credits)

Apprentice model: 1 credit
Artisan model: 2 plan credits
Master model: 4 plan credits

Standard quality: 8 credits
High definition (HD) quality: 16 credits

Number of chapters x 8 (for Standard Quality, 16 for HD) credits

If you come across uploaded material that is inappropriate, illegal, harmful, or offensive, please report the content by emailing [email protected], and be sure to include the URL and any information that enables us to swiftly identify the content and act on the report.

Please understand that almost all content on Erota is generated by AI based on user input. AI models are probabilistic and may rarely produce unexpected content. We do our best to quickly remove content that violates our Terms of Service or applicable law once that material is reported. All reported complaints will be resolved within 7 business days.

If you are a copyright owner who believes your content has been uploaded to this site without authorization or the content depicts you without your permission, please report the content by emailing [email protected], and be sure to include the URL and any information that enables us to swiftly identify the content and act on the report.